Author Archives: euromind

Beneath the shadow of the demographic apocalypse

monograph · The End of Childhood? Beneath the shadow of the demographic apocalypse Teresa Giménez Barbat Teresa Giménez Barbat has been an MEP, and is a columnist in various media and author of several books including “A thousand days in Brussels” and “Against feminism. Everything you hate about gender ideology and do not dare to say”. […]

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The end of childhood?

monograph · The End of Childhood? The end of childhood? Eduardo Zugasti The European Union is the largest single market on the planet, with 440 million potential consumers, the biggest provider of goods and services, and it still has the second most widely used currency globally, only behind the U.S. dollar. Europe is also the […]

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Quo vadis, infertile and multicultural Europe?

monograph · The End of Childhood? Quo vadis, infertile and multicultural Europe? Alejandro Macarron Larumbe Telecommunications engineer, business strategy consultant and demographic analyst. He is the author of the books “El suicidio demográfico de España” and “Suicidio demográfico en Occidente y medio mundo”, among others. He was founder and director of the Demographic Renaissance Foundation. Augusto […]

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Demographics (not) is Destiny

monograph · The end of  Childhood? Demographics (not) is Destiny Manuel Arias Maldonado Professor of Political Science at the University of Málaga. He has been a Fulbright Scholar at the University of Berkeley and is the author, among others, of La democracia sentimental (Página Indómita, 2016), Antropoceno (Taurus, 2018) and Abecedario democrático (Turner, 2021). He is […]

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monograph · The End of Childhood? GREY WINTER Pablo Losada Civil Engineer. Occasional and vocational teacher. Numbers are my friends. – How did the results of the month go? – We have met our budgeted targets, my General. 347 units completed vs. 340 planned. 8 could not be completed due to quality problems, the same number […]

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The earliest recorded fertility transition: lessons for future progress

monograph · The End of Childhood? The earliest recorded fertility transition: lessons for future progress Guillaume Blanc Assistant Professor of Economics at The University of Manchester and the co-founder and deputy director of The Arthur Lewis Lab for Comparative Development. His research explores the role of cultural factors in the transition from stagnation to growth and […]

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‘Baby fever’ and other cues to family formation

monograph · The End of Childhood? ‘Baby fever’ and other cues to family formation Anna Rotkirch Research Professor and Research Director at the Population Research Institute of Väestöliitto, the Family Federation of Finland. She has published extensively on family relations and fertility and served as Demographic Rapporteur to the Finnish Government.” Fifteen years ago, my research team […]

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